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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering with Pack 89 is a great way to spend time with your child and their friends doing fun activities and making life-long memories. Below are a few ways you can help our volunteer-run organization. If you are interested in any of these roles, please email us through this website.

 We are always open to suggestions, so if there is another way you would like to help out, please make your suggestion in your email.


Pack Meeting Planners

In this role, you will help to plan and execute our pack meetings or other pack-level events.  This is a two meeting per month commitment. One meeting is with the committee to plan upcoming pack meetings, and the other is to help setup and run the pack meeting.

Assistant Den Leaders

Help our Den Leaders by volunteering to help run a den. We are looking for volunteers for all dens. Please speak your den leader if interested.

Single-Event Planners

Another way to help the pack with a short-term commitment is to lead the planning of a single event. Examples of such events are hiking trips, camping trips, or museum trips.


Den Presenters

This is another way to help our your Den Leader. By being a Den Presenter, you would pick one of the requirements for the badge your child’s den is working towards (of a portion of one) and present the material to the den and run any activities associated with the material. This is a one to two meeting commitment.